Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Website Privacy Policy:
In order to maximise the functionality of your experience with us, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife will require certain information from you. We value your privacy and will take all reasonable steps to treat your personal data as strictly confidential and not disclose it to a third party unless we are obliged to disclose it by law.
 Security of information:
All information collected from you is in a secure environment. Ezemvelo makes use of encrypted technology (Secure Socket layer) when information is transmitted between yourself and our website to ensure that the information is transmitted safely. This is provided by Thwate - http://www.thawte.com
Credit card details are additionally protected through the Travelbuy payment gateway https://www.travelbuy.co.za/
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife will only use your information for marketing purposes if expressly agreed to this by yourself at time of registration. Should you wish to remove yourself from this, you can contact the webmaster who will effect this change for you. Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife shall not sell, rent or trade any of your personal information collected through this site to any third parties for any purpose whatsoever. Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife reserves the right to destroy or delete obsolete data from it's servers at it's sole discretion.
Legal Queries
Any queries on the status of your information's privacy can be directed through:
·         The webmaster at webmaster@kznwildlife.com or
·         The CEO, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, PO Box 13053, Cascades, 3202, Pietermaritsburg, KZN, South Africa.
Should you believe that we have not adhered to this policy, please contact us so we may pursue the matter to satisfactory conclusion, within commercially reasonable parameters.
Central Reservations (+27 33) 845-1000
Mail: bookings@kznwildlife.com   Fax: (+27 86) 505-8889